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Poilievre's Pension $230,000! Wow!

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    So what has the Trudeau Liberal/NDP party done for this country Chuck?

    Answer: NOTHING !!!


      Why the sudden concern about the for working stiff who can hardly afford food and housing. Yet a few days ago you were defending the right of Union employees to demand more than everyone else. Many of those Union employees being civil servants whose paycheck comes entirely from the working stiffs you supposedly suddenly care about.

      It's as if you wear hypocrisy as a badge of honor.


        So if Pierre lives till the age of 85 he gets 4.6 million, what’s your 6000 acres worth Chuckroach?


          Honeydew it’s no secret any MP is entitled to these fat pensions if they serve enough years. So your whole effort here to discredit Polivere vs any other MP is like calling your twin sister ugly. Nice try troll.



            So honeydew and forage, you guys must be big fans of Donald Trump I assume? Didn't he donate his entire salary when he was president?
            Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Sep 20, 2024, 14:28.


              230 k a year? Sheesh that's wild.
              not defending that.

              It's pretty effed the pension that they can get when serving what... 6 yrs?
              if bill c65 gets passed ( probably wont) then I expect to see some serious whining from El chuck....

              Until then.

              Pretty boring stuff here.
              Singh is a joke. We all know that. Nenshi is a joke in alberta. Doesnt stand a chance.
              Sorry kids... I'm from Alberta and a Muslim guy doesn't have a hope of winning. I understand the demographics here and it was a poor choice for ndp leader ( especially considering his last approval rating in calgary).
              NDP need to take a serious look at what they're up to across the country if they want to have any hope at winning serious electoral strength. Otherwise they will always be second or third fiddle... always the bridesmaid.

              Hey chuck.
              just a question

              Do you support Trudeau?
              Do you just support the liberals without trudeau?

              I'm confused where your stance is.​

              At this point I don't know how anyone can support.... like... enjoy... Trudeau. Helll, even his own wife doesn't like him.

              If he stepped down the libs may have a shot.... but with him holding on here it could be ugly for the libs. I expect a faction to coup on him and get him out before election.. ( kind of like what happened with biden and harris)


                Didn’t see Calvert or Romanow renege their pensions. Trudeau purposely delayed the election by 20 days so a sizeable number of MP’s would collect their full pensions. Singh will be eligible in February. This isn’t a partisan issue. Both sides of the house don’t want to give it up.


                  Another two guys who really didn't do much for Saskatchewan. And I'm sorry but Mr. Moe better start doing something other than coasting on Brad Walls record also.


                    I'll wait to see how Poilievre handles the position of CEO of the biggest company in Canada. Under normal corporate rules, the present incompetent CEO who has shredded a perfectly healthy existing company would have been gone years ago for making complete asinine decisions that would be indictable in a lot of countries. Comparing a pension to the billions this current government has squandered or left on the table by stopping major projects is limp at best.
                    Companies have it right, allowing a majority of voting directors to fire the CEO, but in Canada a small minority of voting directors can keep this mistake in place for years.
                    It's painful to watch and deeply, deeply flawed.


                      I didn't read the article to see what assumptions they are making.

                      Polievre has been an MP for 20 years to date. So he has been there awhile. Currently the pension plan is like an rrsp. So an amount equal to about 24 or 25% of an MP's salary is invested each year. Half of which is paid by the MP and half by the government.

                      If they are an MP for 6 years, the pension vests and they can start drawing after the age of 55. However there is no guaranteed return on the amount of return. So to definitively say they get x amount is deceptive.

                      Older MP pension plans were different. More of a defined benefit.

                      But to say Polievre is going to get $230k assumes they know how long he will be an MP and that he will be PM for x years.

                      So kind of like predicting the climate in the future.

                      It is just a wild assed guess.


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