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Where’s the Equality?

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    Where’s the Equality?

    I was having a little discussion with a leftie last Sunday. He thought this country was clicking along pretty well because he was surviving fine with a Grade 4 education. So why’s it so bad in Canada?

    Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
    I was having a little discussion with a leftie last Sunday. He thought this country was clicking along pretty well because he was surviving fine with a Grade 4 education. So why’s it so bad in Canada?
    That appears to be the exact demographic that the NDP/Liberals are appealing to.

    At least that is the impression I get reading Chuck's comics and comical cut and paste's.


      This guy is just giddy that Trudeau is fixing his teeth for free. He is 84 years old and Trudeau will spend $10,000 bucks on his teeth. He already has one new denture and the rest is already booked.


        Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
        This guy is just giddy that Trudeau is fixing his teeth for free. He is 84 years old and Trudeau will spend $10,000 bucks on his teeth. He already has one new denture and the rest is already booked.
        He must have a strong commitment to getting his share of the free stuff if he wants to spent that much time in a dentists chair at 84?

        He would be the poster boy for getting dentists to sign on.

        Incremental work they never looked for before?


          Huge payday for dentists , great way two get two or more votes with one action


            There are 338 MP’s in Canada.
            in the Maritimes with population of 1,89 million, they have 32 MP’s
            in Alberta with population of 4.37 million, they have 14 MP’s.
            So… 312,143/59450 = 5.25 X as many MP’s in the Maritimes. I thought Canada is supposed to be Rep by Pop. Correct me if I am wrong.


              My 90 year old neighbor is busy spending a small fortune on teeth right now. I hadn't considered that this might be the reason.
              Perhaps it's not his money he is spending.


                Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                There are 338 MP’s in Canada.
                in the Maritimes with population of 1,89 million, they have 32 MP’s
                in Alberta with population of 4.37 million, they have 14 MP’s.
                So… 312,143/59450 = 5.25 X as many MP’s in the Maritimes. I thought Canada is supposed to be Rep by Pop. Correct me if I am wrong.
                Even worse, the maritimes is the oldest and lowest fertility demographic in all of Canada. Country’s ruled by a bunch of whaling fish wives.


                  Age can sure raise heck with the quality of life. But comparing the free lenses provided during cataract surgery and the best you can buy leaves me grateful I can afford the extra $3-5000 when the time comes.
                  Probably the same with dentures.
                  But I couldn't deny anyone the benefit of sight. I know a lot of people who will need the "free" stuff.
                  Most I know however, are grateful, and have been employed all their life.

                  I have an elderly friend who thrives on free. He lives in an non air conditioned, subsidized 1970s seniors double wide half.
                  Equality is listening to him bitch about the heat, and me flipping a switch.
                  I have friends who will be grateful to live in one.


                    You all have access to lots of "free" healthcare. So why so much complaining?

                    Our system is many times more fair and lower cost than the US system that under serves millions of americans who can't afford insurance.

                    Taking care of seniors and childrens teeth and some pharmaceuticals is just an extension of healthcare.

                    Take a look at the teeth of people who don't go to a dentist for a checkup and cleaning! Or the health of diabetics who can't afford insulin.

                    Because if you don't get what you need because you are poor, you often cost the public healthcare system more in the long run.

                    PP and you guys want to cut these programs that address affordability?


                      PP and us guys know and understand that money does not grow on trees , shud Canada just keep going deeper into dept to pay for all this so called free stuff ?


                        Why the instant comparison to the US when there are many other options. Origin post referring to attitudes.


                          It is a matter of absolute fact that poor health costs the economy way more than providing proper health both physical and mental health to everyone. Days off work, people ending up with disabling health issues that can be avoided are not a priority for some and its beyond foolish never mind the issue of human decency.


                            The pretend fiscal conservatives are happy as long as they have enough money to pay for health care. But when you ask them what is good for the people who can't afford good health care they really don't care!

                            We are underfunding healthcare for an aging population. We knew this crunch was coming decades ago.

                            But provinces are not keeping up and Conservative premiers would love any excuse to privatize the system so that some of their friends make a profit.

                            Where is the profit to come from if you are providing good healthcare for everyone?


                              Guest on QR77 a couple weeks ago. Says Canada is the only modern economy in the world with strict single payer system. Everyone else has the range of dual to mostly private.

                              CC, I guarantee you or the ndp you love, are not healthcare experts. But rather, still live in the 70's.

                              Time to try something different, because what we have isn't working. Even though we spend the most per capita in a single payer system.

                              In the world.


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