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Political Parties in Saskatchewan

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    Political Parties in Saskatchewan

    So who are these parties?

    1. Saskatchewan United Party
    2. Saskatchewan Progressive Party
    3. Buffalo Party

    Farther right parties. And # 2 the former Liberal Party.

    They are all on the fringe and will take votes away from the Sask Party. So please vote for them!


      Rather than FAR LEFT New Democratic Party Party?

      NDP party....double party on tax payers $$$


        NDP is the flat earth party, they think the world runs on unicorns and fairy dust.


          Bloody hell like them or not Sask party appears the most capable. Thought ndp leader might be a bit more capable than past leaders but haven’t seen anything yet to indicate that. The other fringe parties I was laughing my ass off at their election kickoffs. Bunch of old guys flinging goofy ideas they come up with at coffee row or happy hour at the legion. Good lord we need an opposition that aren’t socialists. Never heard of the Sask progressive party but other two I definitely did.

          For as much of a backwater people think Saskatchewan is we’ve given rise to a lot of political movements which have went on to be a part of Canada as whole. Chucky can crap on us here as being a bunch of knuckle draggers but his beloved ndp started here as well as Medicare and every other welfare state stuff the country takes for granted. He better take note the changes seen in the wind here move out to the rest of the country eventually.


            17 years! its time for a change because the Sask party can't manage healthcare and education. Both are in serious decline.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              17 years! its time for a change because the Sask party can't manage healthcare and education. Both are in serious decline.
              And socialists are the answer? Chase enough people out and health and education shortfalls disappear. Right Chuck?


                Saskatchewan has some of the lowest population growth and immigration under the Sask Party compared to the rest of Canada. And they have had 17 years to fix healthcare and education. And the outcomes of both are worse.

                And the NDP are planning to cut taxes and address affordabilty, health care and education after years of mismanagement by the ideologues who waste time trying to cater to the right wing social conservatives and extremists.


                  The NDP closed a lot of hospitals and schools in this province Chuck. Just thought I would remind you of what political party has stifled this provinces growth . With any luck , federally old Jughead will decimate his party and they will become as irrelevant as his master Justin.


                    As far as taxes and affordability ? Seriously ? The NDP don't like doing that. Pretty much the opposite.


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      Saskatchewan has some of the lowest population growth and immigration under the Sask Party compared to the rest of Canada. And they have had 17 years to fix healthcare and education. And the outcomes of both are worse.

                      And the NDP are planning to cut taxes and address affordabilty, health care and education after years of mismanagement by the ideologues who waste time trying to cater to the right wing social conservatives and extremists.
                      You must’ve been under a rock pre 2007 or like everything else you don’t let facts get in the way of the narrative. You NDP’s and liberals took every opportunity to vilify the Devine or Harper governments, even 30+ years later. So your party’s past record of seeing the largest outmigration of the province since the last ice age, reversion of paved roads to gravel, hospital scale backs to glorified old folks homes/locum doctors offices or outright closures, and failed opportunities while our neighbours to the west witnessed unprecedented growth and continue to benefit to this day. At one point this province had more people than Alberta and now your hated Alberta stands to see 5 million people. Blame the near term on the Sask party government but lets think who was in power for the majority of years before that.


                        Tell us the mouseville story Chuck.

                        How are you going to get an NDP revival if people aren't familiar with mouseville?

                        And don't forget to end with "the cons will take away your health care".


                          Lets talk about how Grant Devine and the Conservatives who just about bankrupted the province with crazy overspending and the biggest fraud scandal in the provinces history!

                          Naw you are going to forget about that period in the history of Saskatchewan politics!

                          And Curly Moe is going to spend billions on irrigating a small amount of land for a handfull of farmers? Another boondoggle.

                          Instead of investing in healthcare and education which produce more economic benefit and public good by far.

                          Not to mention the more recent corruption by the Sask party around the global transportation hub, bypass and insider land deals!

                          Or the current corruption:

                          "2 motels linked to Sask. Party MLA got $731K in government business since 2020 election

                          Gary Grewal’s motels only received $1,309 in government business prior to his election, documents say"

                          "​Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill’s investment in two helium companies is under scrutiny following news of a second investigation by Saskatchewan’s conflict of interest commissioner (COIC) into the first-term MLA.

                          Already under investigation for government contracts involving his family business, Cockrill is now being investigated for his investments, according to a letter sent to COIC Maurice Herauf by Opposition critic for ethics and democracy Meara Conway."


                            Roy Romanow did a healthcare study a number of years back and it cost taxpayers a pretty good chunk of cash , naturally it wasn't disclosed , but I'm sure old Roy got a hell of a payout for that one!
                            Excellent value for our money.
                            Last edited by GALAXIE500; Oct 6, 2024, 08:11.


                              Certainly no silver bullet.

                              here in alberta weve had such an influx of people ( roughly 12000 people have been moving into alberta per month) that everything is stressed. The lineups at ER or hospitals were pretty bad before... but now they are ridiculous. Go to an ER room in st albert or edmonton... atleast 6 hours. 6 hours if my kid is puking the last day. Its insane. We spend a TON on healthcare in alberta and regardless of what chuck will say ( thry ripped up the doctors contract during covid and so many doctors moved out...etc..etc) at the end of the day we dont have enough facilities or doctors. Mainly doctors.

                              Education is the same thing.. HOWEVER the political games that these ucp clowns play is absurd. They knew damn well we would get the influx of people because we have jobs here...lots of jobs. Alberta is booming and young people are useless and dont want to work... then bitch and complain about not having enough to buy a house.

                              So the ucp knew it was coming and they cut funding to education a couple years ago.... then they wait til class sizes are huge and teachers are overrun then magically pump a bunch of money to education to look likw the good guys.

                              Incredibly, they announced that they ( ucp govt) are gonna build some schools that were on the books and had been approved by the NDP when they were in power. THEN when the ucp regained power they shuttered those builds and have now re approved the builds. Its just all stupid posturing and politics. Meanwhile. We the people suffer.

                              REgardless of party, they all suck donkey wein.

                              I WILL SAY THOUGH that when the ndp were in power here in alberta they approved 12 new school builds ( of 24 that had been on the books for yearsssss with the previous 45 yrs of conservative govt) and fixed up a huge area of interchanges/ highways and bridge coming into fort saskatchewan from the northside. Anyone whos been north of edmonton and has seen the refinery traffic thru there day in and day out understands the horrible mess it was before. And this was approved and paid for during NDP power. They invested in infrastructure when they were here. And everyone demolished them for it. Even in their highest spending year it was not as high as the first 2 years the UCP came into power ( the problem was during notleys 3rd yr oil price crashed to peanuts).

                              When the ucp came into power the first thing they did was cut solar subsidies, diced the growing forward program, lifted the cap on insurance premiums and power increases that could be done per year AND gave large oil.companies huge tax cuts under the guise of creating jobs.
                              They basically gave suncor and syncrude 2 yrs of free royalties with the cuts thy gave them.

                              Say what you will about the ndp but the debt they create USUALLY is FOR the people in the aspect of quality of life. Education. Healthcare. Infrastructure.



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