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    We should all give thanks for our existence in a wonderful country, even with all it's problems.

    Great country but given our potential and the path we are on it is discouraging. My daughter had a discussion in class about if they would fight for our country, sadly I feel less and less about there being anything Canadian that we would be fighting for.


      I am grateful every single day to have been born in this country, at this time, in this community, to these parents, etc. All of the things that were beyond my control.

      That doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to improve things and leave them better than we found them. Imagine if our ancestors had have decided that stone tools were the Apex of technology and no more improvement was ever required.


        We still won the birth lottery that's for sure.


          Yep. Say whatever you will about whomever is in power ( cons..libs...whatever) but we live in a pretty awesome country.
          free to vote....go to school...good healthcare ( even if times are long). University...diversity... good food security... great opportunities for many.

          Wish our penal code was a bit tougher. Had a nice chat with an rcmp the other day and it was interesting to hesr what they had to say re; lifelong repeat criminals.. as well as the opioid crisis.


            I give thanks every day and extra Halliluliahs and commemoration for those who defended it then and do so now.

            #convoy #freedom #wakeup


              Originally posted by westernvicki View Post
              I give thanks every day and extra Halliluliahs and commemoration for those who defended it then and do so now.

              #convoy #freedom #wakeup
              Sure, let's lump in those who sacrificed their lives defending Canada at war, to the so called freedom fighters and border blockaders that had nothing better to do with their lives at the time.

              Definitely the same type of heros.

              Agriviller's, alway focused on the positives when it comes to Canada.

              Last edited by foragefarmer; Oct 15, 2024, 11:49.


                Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                Sure, let's lump in those who sacrificed their lives defending Canada at war, to the so called freedom fighters and border blockaders that had nothing to do with their lives at the time.

                Agriviller's, alway focused on the positives when it comes to Canada.

                Notting to do with their lives at the time ? so loosing your income or having your business destroyed has notting to do with peoples lives ? very sadly people ended their lives because of what happened
                unlawful emergency act changed my opinion of canada for ever
                Last edited by cropgrower; Oct 15, 2024, 11:54.


                  Originally posted by cropgrower View Post

                  Notting to do with their lives at the time ? so loosing your income or having your business destroyed has notting to do with peoples lives ? very sadly people ended their lives because of what happened
                  unlawful emergency act changed my opinion of canada for ever
                  Be careful responding to forage on this type of thread, he will report it to the moderators who will banish it to Chuck's asylum.


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post

                    Be careful responding to forage on this type of thread, he will report it to the moderators who will banish it to Chuck's asylum.
                    Interesting that a innocent thread can be hijacked by the ilk like vic and crop. If you feel that things are so bad, I am sure they know where the border is. We can all complain but few of us have run for office or tried to make things better.


                      Originally posted by agstar77 View Post

                      Interesting that a innocent thread can be hijacked by the ilk like vic and crop. If you feel that things are so bad, I am sure they know where the border is. We can all complain but few of us have run for office or tried to make things better.
                      Impossible for AB5 to object when they're defending his participation.

                      He thrives on the gratification.


                        Agrisilly, a whole lot of well off angry conservatives complaining about how bad it is? LOL

                        Most of them have received the gift of family land and money to get started, that is now worth millions.

                        Life is hard apparently for the multi millionaires!


                          yes we will all make a fortune this year with these grain prices ,
                          and higher land value don't mean higher income , just brings higher taxes ,
                          means notting unless you sell , and then again if sold a big chunk is gone in tax ,
                          Canada is only a shadow of what it has been and could be , crime is way up and will get worse , more going to food banks than ever , more homeless , longer than ever wait times for healthcare ,
                          could be one of the best country's in the world with what resources canada has but we have absolute useless leaders ,
                          yes we shud be thankful aggy , thankful that we are not north Korea no 2 yet , but we heading there fast
                          Last edited by cropgrower; Oct 16, 2024, 07:58.


                            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                            We still won the birth lottery that's for sure.
                            Candian Farmer's certainly are good at taking advantage of the opertunity we have.
                            We are among the most efficient in the world and most sustainable.
                            Canada's farm economy does not participate in the economic drag of year's of lower GDP per capita.
                            Contrary to what Chuck preaches, we do it better with less government intervention.

                            Some of our biggest risks and setbacks over the years have been caused by poor government decisions and intervention.

                            Where I live many of the more successful operations are young guys who made their own success.
                            Last edited by shtferbrains; Oct 16, 2024, 08:42.


                              So per capita we are on TOP of the planet! Turd and Libtard/socialists HATE natural resources...the KILL the planet!


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