Blade lift and drag would likely result in your break taking flight!
Combining energy sources is a reasonable response in a northern environment that requires a reliable fuel. cc. is not against it. I'm not against it. Most, however, would have hackles up if compelled to one source by government. If you don't comply as a good little Canadian their way, then the bastard fines you until you do. Still mad as hell over paperless GST returns.
Having surplus power, I went over to the dark side with a straight EV purchase. It has it's place with the short trips I make, and is preconditioned always in a warm shop. Out of range, I'm taking the 2008 diesel. Learn from this, government, or your clients will rebel.
Combining energy sources is a reasonable response in a northern environment that requires a reliable fuel. cc. is not against it. I'm not against it. Most, however, would have hackles up if compelled to one source by government. If you don't comply as a good little Canadian their way, then the bastard fines you until you do. Still mad as hell over paperless GST returns.
Having surplus power, I went over to the dark side with a straight EV purchase. It has it's place with the short trips I make, and is preconditioned always in a warm shop. Out of range, I'm taking the 2008 diesel. Learn from this, government, or your clients will rebel.