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Ronald Reagan on Trade and tariffs

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    Ronald Reagan on Trade and tariffs

    "Over the past 200 years, not only has the argument against tariffs and trade barriers won nearly universal agreement among economists, but it has also proven itself in the real world, where we have seen free trading nations prosper while protectionist countries fall behind.

    America’s most recent experiment with protectionism was a disaster for the working men and women of this country. When Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley tariff in 1930, we were told that it would protect America from foreign competition and save jobs in this country – the same line we hear today. The actual result was the Great Depression, the worst economic catastrophe in our history; one out of four Americans were thrown out of work. Two years later, when I cast my first ballot for President, I voted for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who opposed protectionism and called for the repeal of that disastrous tariff. Ever since that time, the American people have stayed true to our heritage by rejecting the siren song of protectionism.…


    The record is clear that when America’s total trade is increased, American jobs have also increased, and when our total trade has declined, so have the number of jobs (see chart above showing the close relationship over the last 80 years between the log of US jobs and the log of US total trade, with a correlation coefficient of 0.994).

    Part of the difficulty in accepting the good news about trade is in our words. We too often talk about trade while using the vocabulary of war. In war, for one side to win, the other must lose. But commerce is not warfare. Trade is an economic alliance that benefits both countries. There are no losers, only winners; and trade helps strengthen the free world. Yet today protectionism is being used by some politicians as a cheap form of nationalism, a fig leaf for those unwilling to maintain America’s military strength and who lack the resolve to stand up to real enemies—countries that would use violence against us or our allies.

    Our peaceful trading partners are not our enemies. They are our allies. We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends, weakening our economy, our national security and the entire free world. All while cynically waving the American flag. The expansion of the international economy is not a foreign invasion; it is an American triumph, one we worked hard to achieve, and something central to our vision of a peaceful and prosperous world of freedom."

    MP: The current protectionist/mercantilist president occupying the White House who is waging a destructive trade war with our trading partners, while “cynically waving the American flag” should pay attention to his predecessor from 30 years ago. Unlike Tariff Man’s “cheap form of nationalism and “economic illiteracy on stilts ([url]https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/the-antidote-to-trumps-economic-illiteracy-on-stilts-a-dose-or-regans-pro-trade-wisdom/)”[/url] when it comes to international trade, President Reagan understood the basics of trade and the importance of trade to America’s economic growth and prosperity. Reagan also understood that Trump’s protectionism, economic illiteracy, and trade war are losing propositions that are weakening America, while free trade is a guaranteed and winning formula for economic success.

    Happy to see you studying Ronald Reagan.
    One of the greatest presidents.
    The people loved him.
    He always said government never fixed anything but just made it worse with to many regulations that never went away.
    He made people believe their hard work was the thing that made Americans great and everyone had to work to have any pride in themselves.

    Keep studing Reagan Chuck.
    It will make you a better person.
    Last edited by shtferbrains; Mar 10, 2025, 23:35.


      And just like Chuck, Reagan was a left wing socialist earlier in life. FBI investigating him as a potential communist.
      He matured, educated himself and saw the light.
      Perhaps there is hope for Chuck yet.

      I recently met an older fellow who when he was young, started a hippie commune, gave up all his worldly possessions etc. After a few years, gave that all up to embrace capitalism, and retired a rich man.

      It's the natural progression.
      Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Mar 10, 2025, 11:32.


        I hope you are enjoying the coming Trumpcession A5!

        Now the free market pretend libertarians like you think tariffs are Ok? LOL Quite the 180 reversal for Cons and Republicans!

        Our peaceful trading partners are not our enemies. They are our allies. We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends, weakening our economy, our national security and the entire free world. All while cynically waving the American flag. The expansion of the international economy is not a foreign invasion; it is an American triumph, one we worked hard to achieve, and something central to our vision of a peaceful and prosperous world of freedom."?


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          I hope you are enjoying the coming Trumpcession A5!

          Quite the 180 reversal for Cons and Republicans!

          Quite the 180 for an NFU whack that quotes free trade from Reagan and campaigned against it in the 80's. You're done hiding, thinking that this place is secure with a VPN - let's see how you fare with an autistic-led corporation and a Russian tech genius. Keep posting ... there's your heads up... LOL


            A lot to unpack on this thread if I care to.
            I'd have to reference my biographies on Reagan to comment on his pre McCarthy era affiliations. I remember much more to the story.
            I also remember him stopping a mugging with a handgun. And ad-libbing almost an entire ball game on air when the live lost signal.
            Anyway, a last century statesman of consummate ability. Extinct for now.
            Heck, who can read anymore. Orwell's essays were right.
            It's not the 80s anymore. We arrived there from the 40s. And we arrived here from the 80s.
            Thing is, our respective histories are different and therefore our cultures today.
            One common theme perhaps is that both cultures have a tendency to live in the past.
            Always looking for a King here.
            Always looking for someone to kick back into the ocean there.
            God how I wish the War of 1812 had turned out different.

            Met a salesman the other day from NB who felt superior for being 7th gen Canadian. I called him a Loyalist and he shut up.

            Now if only Jefferson's economics could prevail in the 21st century the NFU would fit. Neither Chuck nor Trump are ready to make their own nails. Ooops, Jefferson had slaves....

            About that. He knew slavery didn't fit the document he wrote, but he understood the contemporary reality.

            Not ready to classify Trump as Jacksonian yet. He might be a new sub classification. Heck, what Teddy pulled off in Panama wouldn't fly in today's footed pajama world.
            But things are different for today for everyone who isn't American.
            Except the Chinese. Somehow I think their 3000 year old culture isn't concerned. Likely neither is India.
            So pull your head out of your parka hood. Look around, reflect.
            Or just shout louder into the echo chamber....


              One more Coors.
              Kinda interesting to compare the NFU and Trump hey?


                Originally posted by LWeber View Post
                Quite the 180 for an NFU whack that quotes free trade from Reagan and campaigned against it in the 80's. You're done hiding, thinking that this place is secure with a VPN - let's see how you fare with an autistic-led corporation and a Russian tech genius. Keep posting ... there's your heads up... LOL

                I love the image of the guy with the brand new gloves with the stiff fingers and the hat with the ear flaps.

                Salt of the earth politico?


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