Originally posted by Landdownunder
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Did the doctor say how they deem it vaccine damage? As with most of my medical knowledge it defaults to cows, and in cattle necropsy’s it’s easy to tell myocarditis from pericarditis as an example, but less easy to tell WHAT caused the myocarditis or pericarditis. I’m just curious how they diagnose vaccine injury in people vs other causes or if it’s just a case of deduction based on patient history.
I’d assume if it’s damaging heart muscle then autopsies and biopsies would more likely show the root cause so then knowing what the injuries confirmed by analysis look like they can probably diagnose based on similar scam appearance.
Primarily asking because I can’t stand everyone scapegoating something - in this case the vaccine (not saying you are) - for every issue. Even if it does cause issues in some people (likely) it statistically can’t be responsible for everything. Right now it feels like if I had any health ailment pop up either Covid or the vaccine would be blamed for it, when realistically it’s a health ailment that would have likely happened no matter what due to other variables. You constantly hear “so and so had a stroke, they got vaccinated 4 years ago, that’s why” like suddenly all other causes of stroke are invalid.