Agreed,grassfarmer, but unfortunately in both provincial and federal politics the opposition of the day seem intent on wasting time battling over foolish issues and not the ones that cause the most concern to the public. EG: the issue with the Stelmach campaign receiving funds from the Beaver County Waste Authority. The Liberals raised hell about it when, in fact, they had solicited funds from the same agency.Most of what opposition parties do is based on political gain for their own fortunes, not for the good of the citizens of the country.
Every government has room for improvement, and they guage their performance by the climate of the public, not by the ranting of opposition members in the legislature or media.
Apathy is what elects governments from municipal to federal. Those who believe in a certain candidate or party get out and vote and the rest stay home and complain for the entire term of office for their representatives. This holds true for commodity groups within the agriculture industry as well. ABP zone meetings are a prime example.
Every government has room for improvement, and they guage their performance by the climate of the public, not by the ranting of opposition members in the legislature or media.
Apathy is what elects governments from municipal to federal. Those who believe in a certain candidate or party get out and vote and the rest stay home and complain for the entire term of office for their representatives. This holds true for commodity groups within the agriculture industry as well. ABP zone meetings are a prime example.